The UAVrc Board is a high Quality all in one Professional Multicopters Board for DIY Frames. Designed from scratch by uavRC team. Unique in the market today, due that you can assembling (build) your own style DIY frame in almost ALL configuration frames available today. For example you can (build) the followings:
- Quadcopter (X4 or +4, or X8, or +8)
- Tricopter (Y3, or Y6)
- Hexacopter
- Octocopter
- V-Tail (many configurations you can build)
- Inspire Style
- H-Frame
- T-Frame
NEM Main board has the following advantages:
- Significantly Light Weight for this Board with size 333mm x 333mm
- High Strength due to 2.0mm Thickness of Carbon Fiber
- Ready for NEM's BOOM Clamp /Blocks for diameter 25mm
- Ready to accept NEM's Folding Mechanism with four (4) Variable Pitches for your CF 25mm Tube for Motor Arm
- NEM has the full range of spare parts for this board to build your DIY multicopter frame.
What you Get:
1 x Board L333mm x W333mm Carbon Fiber 3K Twill Matte finish
What you will Need to Build a Multicopter Frame:
- 2 x Boards
- Boom Clamp/Block for 25mm Diameter Tube or Folding NEM's Mechanism
- Carbon Fiber or Alumium Tube/Pipe 25mm diameter
- Motor Mounts for F25mm round Tubes
- Aluminum Spacers
- PCB Power Board
- Screws, Nuts, etc..